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Enrolling 1-5 Years. We are open from 7 am to 6 pm Monday-Friday. In addition to our school day, we offer before and after-school programs for enrolled students. We have a variety of scheduling options including both half-day and full-day schedules.
Carebear Preschool provides a nurturing, creative, and positive classroom setting in a safe school environment that always encourages learning. Our philosophy is to develop a positive self-image in each child through a healthy and comprehensive balance of self-directed and teacher-supported activities. Whether at play or work, we engage our students in all developmental areas.
Who We Are
About Us
Carebear Preschool was founded in 2002 by Carrie Kuhns, who is a certified teacher. We are dedicated to providing innovative, quality education services that support and contribute to the success and wellbeing of our children and their families. We are committed to encouraging learning through fun, skill-based activities for children.
Our qualified, talented teachers structure daily activities designed for each child to learn at his or her own pace. Our teachers serve as examples to the children, who learn as much by observing others as they do by direct instruction. The teaching staff acts as a group of facilitators rather than directors of activities.
It is our daily mission to offer children an enriching experience that enhances their cognitive, social, emotional, physical, language, and creative development. It is our goal to give each child a strong, secure foundation on which to begin his or her educational journey.